His Child

His Child

"Nathan’s Child"

The Mistress’s Child by Sharon Kendrick

Lisi never told property millionaire Philip Caprice that their night of passion had resulted in a baby. But her son deserves a dad. Philip’s solution is that Lisi and young Tim move in with him. Does Philip want to forge a family? Or does he want Lisi to be his mistress again?

Nathan’s Child by Anne McAllister

When Nathan Wolfe discovers that he’s a father, he decides that marriage is the only way to mend the past. But Carin Campbell had a good reason for keeping Nathan’s child a secret. She knows he’s proposed out of duty, not love – he isn’t the type to settle down…

D’Alessandro’s Child by Catherine Spencer

Michael D’Alessandro’s only desire is to find his son when he discovers he is a dad. He finds little Jeremy is safe and loved with his adoptive mum, Camille, and soon passion takes over. But can Michael tell her the truth – and claim both his child and his woman?

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