The Cowboys of Horse Thief Mountain

The Cowboys of Horse Thief Mountain

About the Series

The Cowboys of Horse Thief Mountain grew out of the series that began with The Tanner Brothers. It seems like once those guys started coming out of the woodwork, they just wouldn’t quit!

The first Horse Thief Mountain cowboy, Mace Nichols, appeared in The Cowboy and the Kid. Mace was the one that “the Kid,” eight-year-old Becky, Taggart Jones’s matchmaking daughter, had had a crush on since, well, forever. Mace, of course, was already long and happily married to his childhood sweetheart, Jenny.

And then he wasn’t. Word was he had filed for divorce.

Mace and Jenny’s story is, according to Anne, less a romance and more a love story. When Mace, equal parts bull-headed and honorable, discovers he can’t give Jenny the family that has always been her dream, he is, of course, gutted. Also, he feels as if he’s cheating her. Jenny disagrees. Vehemently. But it takes more than one person to make a marriage. Convincing Mace is not an easy task.

Shane Nichols, Mace’s younger brother, is a “leap before you look” kind of guy. He’ll do anything for a friend – even kidnap the bride when it seems like she’s going to marry the wrong man. He’s not thinking about marriage himself. He’d never met a girl who made him think about anything long term. Until Poppy Hamilton enters his life. If Mace’s story is at times dark and angsty, Shane’s is the opposite. Anne had so much fun writing it. Especially the chicken.

And then there’s Cash. If anyone is more of a rolling stone than Shane, it’s his rodeo traveling buddy Cash Callahan. Cash has been breezing in and out of Milly Malone’s life for five years! Long-suffering Milly is, but there comes a point when even Milly has had enough. Cash is sure she’ll come to her senses even though she gets engaged to another man. But when Milly’s wedding looms on Saturday, suddenly Cash finds himself rethinking spending the rest of his life without Milly in it.

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The Tanner Brothers

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